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In patch 9.1.5, you'll be able to do Island Expeditions alone

Author: WoWAnalytica
Posted: 24/08/2021

Provide access to information networks and services to relay information from sellers on upcoming information 9.1.5. It's only a smaller 9.1, but it will bring a few requested improvements than than. With the information circulating in the World of Warcraft community, the developers plan to introduce 9.1.5 around October.

In addition to improving the character customization options, new forms for the druid, Blizzard listened to players and slightly rebuilt the Island Expeditions system so that they could be performed alone. People starting the game from the Shadowlands expansion may encounter this activity for the first time, so we are in a hurry to explain. Island Expeditions were introduced in the Battle of Azeroth expansion. Initially used to gain Azerite Power quickly (to strengthen the Heart of Azeroth). After some time, players began to use expeditions to level their characters faster and acquire pets, mounts, and transmogs. You could choose several levels of difficulty and face other players.

In the later phase of the expansion, Island Expeditions lost their importance, which resulted in a decline in interest in this activity. However, World of Warcraft is inhabited by players who willingly spend a lot of time and energy to get pets, mounts and mods. Unfortunately, until today, getting on the expeditions required a group, which was ultimately very hard to find.

Therefore, this information pleased collectors who will be able to get the coveted rewards from Island Expeditions with the release of Update 9.1.5.