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Spaulders of Seven Sacred Seals - World of Warcraft item
Spaulders of Seven Sacred Seals
Spaulders of Seven Sacred Seals
Item Level 41
Binds when picked up
11 Armor
+6 Intellect
+12 Stamina
+5 Critical Strike
+8 Haste
Prismatic Socket
Prismatic Socket
Socket Bonus: +2 Agility
Durability 100 / 100
Classes: Monk
Battlegear of Seven Sacred Seals (0/5)
Tunic of Seven Sacred Seals
Grips of Seven Sacred Seals
Headpiece of Seven Sacred Seals
Leggings of Seven Sacred Seals
Spaulders of Seven Sacred Seals
Legacy Set: Bonus is inactive
(2) Set: Combo Breaker: Tiger Palm increases the damage of Tiger Palm by 40%. Combo Breaker: Blackout Kick increases the damage of Blackout Kick by 40%.
(4) Set: Every 10 stacks of Tigereye Brew consumed cause your next Rising Sun Kick, Blackout Kick, or Fists of Fury to consume 1 less Chi.
Sell Price: 2 99 67