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Moonfeather Statue - World of Warcraft item
Moonfeather Statue
Moonfeather Statue
Binds when picked up
Use: Adds this toy to your Toy Box. Place the Moonfeather Statue on the ground. What's the worst that could happen? (1 Day Cooldown)
Requires Dreamweavers - Revered
Sell Price: 125
About Moonfeather Statue
This toy, the
The toy itself has a one-day cooldown. Using it puts a statue on the ground. Being near the statue grants a buff that advances over time.
- Stage 1 – Moonkin Feather, which does nothing other than give you a buff that does nothing except saying that your head feels itchy.
- Stage 2 – Moonkin Molting, which makes you periodically molt feathers.
- Stage 3 – Feeling Moonkin, which turns you into a moonkin, with a bit of a red glow, since its supposed to imitate the Fallen Moonfeather
- Stage 4 – Owlvercome wth the Fever, which makes the moonkin statue dance.
What makes it even more fun is that the effects spread to other players and NPCs.