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Moonfeather Statue - World of Warcraft item

Moonfeather Statue

Moonfeather Statue
Binds when picked up
Use: Adds this toy to your Toy Box. Place the Moonfeather Statue on the ground. What's the worst that could happen? (1 Day Cooldown)
Requires Dreamweavers - Revered
Sell Price: 125

About Moonfeather Statue

This toy, the Moonfeather Statue is one of the new toys that can be unlocked with reputation in Legion. This one can be bought in Val'sharah, as long as you have Revered reputation with Dreamweavers. It costs 400 gold, assuming you are exalted for full discount.

The toy itself has a one-day cooldown. Using it puts a statue on the ground. Being near the statue grants a buff that advances over time.

  • Stage 1 – Moonkin Feather, which does nothing other than give you a buff that does nothing except saying that your head feels itchy.
  • Stage 2 – Moonkin Molting, which makes you periodically molt feathers.
  • Stage 3 – Feeling Moonkin, which turns you into a moonkin, with a bit of a red glow, since its supposed to imitate the Fallen Moonfeather
  • Stage 4 – Owlvercome wth the Fever, which makes the moonkin statue dance.

What makes it even more fun is that the effects spread to other players and NPCs.

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