Leggings of Celestial Harmony - World of Warcraft item
Leggings of Celestial Harmony
Leggings of Celestial Harmony
Item Level 41
Binds when picked up
21 Armor
+9 Intellect
+16 Stamina
+10 Critical Strike
+8 Mastery
Prismatic Socket
Prismatic Socket
Socket Bonus: +2 Intellect
Durability 120 / 120
Classes: Shaman
Celestial Harmony Regalia (0/5)
Gloves of Celestial Harmony
Headpiece of Celestial Harmony
Leggings of Celestial Harmony
Shoulderwraps of Celestial Harmony
Hauberk of Celestial Harmony
Legacy Set: Bonus is inactive
(2) Set: Fulmination increases all Fire and Nature damage dealt to that target from the Shaman by 4% for 2 sec per Lightning Shield charge consumed.
(4) Set: Your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells have a chance to summon a Lightning Elemental to fight by your side for 10 sec.
Sell Price: 4