Helmet of the Lost Catacomb - World of Warcraft item
Helmet of the Lost Catacomb
Helmet of the Lost Catacomb
Raid Finder
Item Level 39
Binds when picked up
25 Armor
+7 Intellect
+15 Stamina
+9 Critical Strike
+7 Mastery
Meta Socket
Prismatic Socket
Socket Bonus: +3 Strength
Durability 100 / 100
Classes: Death Knight
Battlegear of the Lost Catacomb (0/5)
Pauldrons of the Lost Catacomb
Greaves of the Lost Catacomb
Helmet of the Lost Catacomb
Gauntlets of the Lost Catacomb
Breastplate of the Lost Catacomb
Legacy Set: Bonus is inactive
(2) Set: Your Obliterate, Frost Strike, and Scourge Strike deal 4% increased damage.
(4) Set: Your Pillar of Frost ability grants 5% additional Strength, and Summon Gargoyle lasts 5 sec longer.
Sell Price: 2