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Ebonflame Grips - World of Warcraft item

Ebonflame Grips

Ebonflame Grips
Item Level 44
Binds when picked up
6 Armor
+9 Intellect
+13 Stamina
+8 Critical Strike
+9 Haste
Durability 55 / 55

Ebonflame Raiment (0/6)
Ebonflame Sandals
Ebonflame Leggings
Ebonflame Spaulders
Ebonflame Robes
Ebonflame Grips
Ebonflame Hood

Legacy Set: Bonus is inactive
(2) Set: Intellect increased by 36.
(4) Set: Your damaging spell casts have a 10% chance to cause an Arcane eruption under your target.
Sell Price: 2

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