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Blood Guard's Plate Gloves - World of Warcraft item
Blood Guard's Plate Gloves
Blood Guard's Plate Gloves
Item Level 29
Binds when picked up
14 Armor
+6 Intellect
+8 Stamina
Durability 50 / 50
Classes: Warrior
Equip: Reduces the rage cost of your Hamstring ability by 3. (Requires level 49 or below)
Champion's Battlegear (0/6)
Blood Guard's Plate Boots
Blood Guard's Plate Gloves
Legionnaire's Plate Armor
Legionnaire's Plate Legguards
Champion's Plate Headguard
Champion's Plate Pauldrons
Legacy Set: Bonus is inactive
(2) Set: Increases your parry by 0.
(4) Set: Disarm duration reduced by 50%.
(6) Set: +0 Stamina.
Sell Price: 45 47