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WOW classic Tailoring guide: leveling, trainer

Author: WoWAnalytica
Posted: 17/05/2021

WOW classic tailoring guide

Welcome to this, yet another, guide in our series concerning professions. This time we are going to present you with ways of making your experience with tailoring a smooth one, allowing you to level your profession as quickly and economically as possible.

First of all, before we talk about leveling-up in this WoW classic tailoring guide, let us discuss for whom this profession is. Tailoring, obviously, allows players to craft cloth armor, as such it is a profession recommended for those who wear this type of armor, namely – priests, warlocks, and mages. These classes also benefit from many BoP items that can be used by them, as well as set bonuses that are only available to tailors.

Moreover, this profession is unique in the sense that unlike most other crafting professions, this does not require a second gathering profession. Thanks to that, you can choose a second production profession. However, while there are many choices, the best option seems to be Enchanting, since it goes well with Tailoring. That is because both of these do not require any gathering professions and excess items crafted with tailoring can serve to level-up enchanting. Nevertheless, this is just our suggestion, and you are free to make whatever choice you like.

Other than that, this profession can not only craft cloth armor, but also bags, which makes it especially profitable during the early stages of classic, since bags bought from NPCs do not compare to the ones crafted by a skilled tailor.

As such, this profession is a great choice for anyone who considers themselves to either be able to make good use of the items or feels like they can profit from the produce of their work. Or maybe you are just someone who would like to get into crafting, but you don’t feel like calmly gathering herbs or mining ores and would rather grind mobs to gather cloths.

WOW classic tailoring leveling guide

In this WoW classic tailoring guide, as in the other parts of the series, we are aiming at presenting an adaptable, quick, and possibly cheap plan for any player to level-up their tailoring from the beginning to the 300-points skill mark.

That being said, there are a few things to note before you begin working with the guide. First, when you open the Tailoring window the recipes are going to be shown in different colors – orange, yellow, green, and gray. These indicate how likely you are to get a skill-up upon completing the recipe – from the first one which guarantees an increase in skill points, to the last one which means that you are not gaining any experience from crafting this recipe.

Partially, for this reason, this WoW classic tailoring guide, as you may see, leaves some variables and might to a small degree depend on your luck as well as your server economy, which we are trying to adapt to, offering some variations to cover for some differences. Having said that, in order to level-up tailoring, you are going to need the following items:

You may also, in certain variations need:

Next, for the recipes and order that you should be working in it is crucial that you follow them as closely as possible, if speed and money-saving are your priority in levelling Tailoring.

You want to start by crafting Bolt of Linen Cloth until you hit level 45 in Tailoring. You will likely still need more, at least 90, for future recipes, however, then you should only craft as many as you need. For that you are going to need:

Afterwards, you are going to be making Linen Belt for the next 25 levels, so essentially until you reach level 70 in tailoring. This requires:

Lastly, to finish with Apprentice Tailoring you should make 5 Reinforced Linen Cape, each of those is going to require:

Having done that, you need to visit just about any Tailoring trainer, to learn Journeyman Tailoring. Otherwise, you will not be able to keep on increasing your skill and learning new recipes.

Following the visit at a trainer, you are going to be crafting Bolt of Woolen Cloth, about 45 of those, until you reach level 100. Each of those requires:

The next step is crafting Simple Kilt, you should continue to do so, until you reach level 110 in Tailoring. For every item you are going to need:

Afterwards, to complete the skill for journeyman tailoring, you are going to make some Double-Stitched Woolen Shoulders, around 15 of them, each requiring:

Having completed the above steps, you are going to now need to learn expert Tailoring, remember that this level of skill can only be taught by certain trainers. If you are looking for their locations scroll down to the next part of this WoW classic tailoring guide.

Being now an Expert Tailor, you are now going to start making Bolt of Silk Cloth, until you are 145, however, you are going to need about 200 of them for the next steps. Each of them requires:

After a while of making those, you are now going to craft 15 Azure Silk Hood, until you reach 160 skill level. Each of those requires:

Then, the next thing to make is the Silk Headband, ten of them, in order to get to 170 tailoring. Each item requires:

Following the previous step, the next recipe you should make is Formal White Shirt. Make five of this bridge item to get to 175 tailoring, and learn the next recipe. Each shirt requires:

Now you are going to make Bolt of Mageweave, although you only want to achieve level 185 with this, you will need at least 90 of those to carry on with the next recipes. Each bolt requires:

Next, you are going to be crafting Crimson Silk Vest, until you reach level 205, to that end, you should make about 20 of those. Each vest is going to take:

In this step, you will be making Crimson Silk Pantaloons, in order to get to level 215 in tailoring. Each of those will require:

As for the last step of expert tailoring, you will be making Orange Mageweave Shirt. Craft five of them to reach 220 skill level. Each shirt requires:

Having completed that step, you are now going to learn the last level – artisan tailoring, which requires you also to be level 35. Moreover, look below this WoW classic tailoring guide if you need to find-out where you can find an appropriate trainer to learn the skill and next recipes.

To start of this last stage, you will first make Black Mageweave Gloves, until you reach level 230. Each of these will cost you:

Afterwards, you will need to craft Black Mageweave Headband, a little bit will depend on you luck here but to reach 250, you will need to make a little over twenty of them, since the last few skill points are not guaranteed. Each item requires:

Now, moving onto a new reagent and a new fabric, you will be making Bolt of Runecloth. Until you reach level 260, however, depending on the variations in this guide, you will actually need between 160 and 239 of those. Moreover, each of them requires:

Having done this necessary step of refining reagents, you are now going to move on to crafting items. To start off, the first this to make is the Runecloth Belt. You will be making them until you reach level 280, which should need no more than 25 of those. Each belt requires:

Alternatively, at this point you can start making Runecloth Bag earlier. They are the next step anyway, to reach 290, but you can also start working on them earlier, they are more expensive to make, but, unlike Runecloth Belt, these are going to sell well on the Aution House if you want to bother selling your produce in order to make some money back.

The Runecloth Bag are 14 slot bags, the Pattern: Runecloth Bag can be bought from Qia in Winterspring at Everlook. Do note that it is a limited-supply item, so if you are unlucky, it may be unavailable at a given time. However, worry not for the restock timer is rather short on this one, ranging from a few minutes to, reportedly, ninety minutes. Each bag requires:

You can skip the bag-making altogether, and after making some belts to reach 280, you can jump straight to making Runecloth Gloves.

Having gotten to the 290-skill point mark, you are now going to make some Runecloth Gloves to get those last few points. Although the recipe is yellow at the time, so the last few points are going to depend on your luck. The Pattern: Runecloth Gloves is available from the same vendor as the Pattern: Runecloth Bag , from Qia in Winterspring at Everlook.

If you completed all the steps, that means that now you can proudly say that you have mastered tailoring. The next step you will want to pursue will now relate to crafting best gear and hunting for those rare recipes. Good luck!

Tailoring Trainer

One of the important things to remember when it comes to professions is that they also have certain ranks, these are: Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, and Artisan. This will be especially important if you want to follow our WoW Classic Tailoring Guide since during the leveling of the profession you do need to upgrade these ranks in order to be able to gain more skill as well as learn new recipes.

In order to rank your Tailoring up, you are going to need a Trainer, these can be found in various location. Do note that they also have certain ranks, meaning that a trainer in, let’s say, Elwynn Forest, will not be able to teach you Expert or Artisan level Tailoring.

The locations for appropriate Tailoring trainers are:

Alliance Apprentice & Journeyman Tailoring Trainers

  • Uthrar Threx, a Journeyman Tailor, can be found at the Great Forge in Ironforge, at the building Stonebrow's Clothier (43.6, 28.2).
  • Trianna, a Journeyman Tailor, is located at the Craftsmen's Terrace in Darnassus, at the building with the Tailoring sign posted on it (63.6, 21.6).
  • Lawrence Schneider, a Journeyman Tailor, is located at the Mage Quarter in Stormwind City, inside of the building Duncan's Textiles, which can be noticed due to ample tailoring equipment (43.6, 73.8).
  • Grondal Moonbreeze, a Journeyman Tailor, is located at Auberdine in Darkshore, inside of the northernmost building (38.2, 40.6).
  • Eldrin, a Journeyman Tailor, is located at the Eastvale Logging Camp in Elwynn Forest, inside of a house on the west side (79.2, 69).
  • Sellandus, an Expert Tailor, is located at the Mage Quarter in Stormwind City, inside of the building Larson Clothiers (42, 76.2).
  • Me'lynn, an Expert Tailor, is located at the Craftsmen's Terrace in Darnassus, at the building with the Tailoring sign (62.6, 22.6).
  • Jormund Stonebrow, an Expert Tailor, is located at the Great Forge in Ironforge, at the building Stonebrow's Clothier (43.2, 29).


  • Victor Ward, a Journeyman Tailor, is located at the Magic Quarter in Undercity, in the inner cloister (70.2, 29.6).
  • Vhan, a Journeyman Tailor, is located at the central bluff in Thunder Bluff, inside of the Thunder Bluff Armorers tent (44, 44.6).
  • Snang, a Journeyman Tailor, is located at the Drag in Orgrimmar, at the building Magar's Cloth Goods (63, 49.6).
  • Kil'hala, a Journeyman Tailor, is located at the Crossroads in The Barrens, inside of a tent on the south side (52.2, 31.6).
  • Bowen Brisboise, a Journeyman Tailor, is located at the Cold Hearth Manor in Tirisfal Glades, at the farmstead west of Brill (52.6, 55.6).
  • Tepa, an Expert Tailor, is located at the central bluff in Thunder Bluff, inside of the Thunder Bluff Armorers tent (44.2, 45).
  • Rhiannon Davis, an Expert Tailor, is located at the Magic Quarter in Undercity, in the inner cloister (70.2, 30.2).
  • Mahani, an Expert Tailor, is located at Camp Taurajo in The Barrens, inside of the larger hut (44.8, 59.4).
  • Magar, an Expert Tailor, is located at the Drag in Orgrimmar, at the building Magar's Cloth Goods (63.6, 50).


  • Grarnik Goodstitch, an Expert Tailor, is located at Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale, inside of the elevated building A Tailor to Cities (28.6, 76.8).
  • Meilosh, a Master Tailor, is located at the Timbermaw Hold in Felwood, at the junction between Moonglade, Felwood, and Winterspring (65.6, 2.8 from Felwood).

Expert Tailoring Trainers (required level 20,125 Tailoring)

  • Georgio Bolero, an Artisan Tailor, for the Alliance, is located at the Mage Quarter in Stormwind City, inside of the building Duncan's Textiles (43.2, 73.6).
  • Josef Gregorian, an Artisan Tailor, for the Horde, is located at the Magic Quarter in Undercity, in the inner cloister (70.6, 30.6).

Artisan Tailoring Trainers (required level 35, 200 Tailoring)

  • Timothy Worthington, a Master Tailor, for the Alliance, is located at Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh, in a two-story building on the south side (66.2, 51.6).
  • Daryl Stack, a Master Tailor, for the Horde, ca be found at Tarren Mill in Hillsbrad Foothills, inside of a destroyed chapel (63.6, 20.8).

We sincerely hope that thanks to this WoW classic tailoring guide, you have successfully managed to begin your journey with Tailoring. As you might have noticed it is a very interesting profession that will help you, either gear yourself up for the upcoming challenges, or make some extra money with items necessary for essentially everyone. Good luck and have fun, Hero!

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